Re-examination of Energy Conservation Principle ‎in ‎Charged Capacitors and the Reported ‎Anomalous Energy ‎Devices



  • Eue Jin Jeong Tachyonics Institute of Technology Austin TX 78741 USA ‎



Energy Conservation, Capacitors, Anomalous Energy Devices


Energy conservation is one of the most fundamental and well-established principles of physics. E. Noether ‎extended the energy conservation principle to the quantum field theoretical domain in empty space by ‎relating the time-translation invariance of the universe with energy conservation. While this is the case in ‎an open empty space, it seems that the local space enclosed by conducting metallic plates has an ‎unexpected property, suggesting that the energy conservation principle may not necessarily apply to ‎localized bound systems of capacitors in electrodynamics. This point of view was raised by noting that the ‎spherical capacitor has calculable electrostatic self-potential energy in both the inner and outer shells, ‎which is not considered in the conventional consideration of the total energy stored in the capacitors. It ‎seems that the concept of moving charges one by one into the capacitor plates has helped bypass the ‎necessary steps to account for the additional repulsive self-potential energy that accumulates ‎simultaneously in both capacitor plates in the process of charging the capacitor. We present itemized ‎details of the repulsive potential energy stored in the capacitors and discuss its physical reality in relation to ‎the anomalous energy devices reported in the past.‎


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Author Biography

Eue Jin Jeong, Tachyonics Institute of Technology Austin TX 78741 USA ‎

Eue Jin Jeong


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