About the Journal
International Journal of Fundamental Physical Science (IJFPS)
ISSN: 2231-8186 DOI: 10.14331/ijfps
IJFPS (Int. J. Fundam. Phys. Sci) is a multidisciplinary and quarterly open-access journal that publishes all accepted papers as an open-access journal. IJFPS publishes original research and reviews papers in English covering all areas of fundamental physical sciences studies such as Applied Physics, Astronomy (theoretical and experimental), Astrophysics and Cosmology, Atmospheric physics, Atomic Physics, Biophysics, General and Special Relativity, Geology, Geophysics, Gravitation, History of Astronomy, History of Mathematics, History of Physics, History of Sciences, Material sciences, Mathematical Physics, Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Optics & Lasers, Plasma Physics, Pure Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics, Radiation Physics, Remote sensing and GIS, Solid state physics, Spectroscopy, Theoretical Physics, Thermodynamics and more.
Peer Review Process
All submissions made to the Research Articles section undergo a double-blind peer review by a minimum of two subject matter experts. A double-blind review process ensures that neither the authors nor the reviewers are aware of each other’s identities. The Journal Editors screen submitted articles for relevance, quality, and meaningful contributions to the field of open and distributed learning before sending them out for review. Submissions are then distributed to a minimum of two qualified reviewers. The Journal Editors determine what will be included in the Journal by consulting the reviewers' assessment and comments. Generally, articles with qualitative and/or quantitative data are preferred, though we occasionally publish high-quality theoretical articles.
Open Access Policy
The copyright of any IJFPS article rests with the author(s). As a condition of publication, the authors AGREE to release their copyright under a shared license, specifically the Creative Commons - Attribution International 4.0 (CC-BY) License. See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This license allows anyone to reproduce IJFPS articles at no cost and without further permission as long as they attribute the author and the journal. This permission includes printing, sharing, and other forms of distribution.
The Steps in the Review Process
After the Papers are submitted online to IJFPS, then the following process will be started.
- This process can take several days due to the volume of submissions we receive.
- The submission will be evaluated for suitability and readability.
- The submission will be checked for APA-style references.
- The paper was submitted to Turnitin to check for any possible plagiarism.
- The Editor reads over the paper for suitability and selects an appropriate reviewer to conduct the double-blind peer review.
- Author(s) are notified by the Editor of their decision.
How to Submit Manuscript to IJFPS?
For security purposes, please submit your article using your email address to the following email address first, after which the journal will create an account for you.